Greetings once again, dear readers!
A lot of you out there, (okay a few of you), have been asking me " write a lot about what is going on or "down" in Bongolesia, but have you been working on anything? It's been a long time since a game report, or even a "project report". So what have you been doing?
That's a good question dear reader and the answer is "Yes, I have been working on things. Due to some "life changes", (becoming a grandfather, having my game room moved, etc.) my produciton schedule and creativity was kind of stifled. With that over with, and my new setup, I decided to get back into it.
Thus, here's what I've gotten done lately...(with pics!)
First off, lets take a look at the work area...

A nice area that has been set up for me, that hold my paints, brushes, groundwork, tools, well as a nice cold bottle of Shiner Bock. That was a project that I was working on at that moment. I'm proud to say that it was successfully completed! Diligent readers will notice that the entire work/production area is watched over by Mr. Adam West (aka "Batman"), and the ever lovely Ms. Linda Blair, (who in my feverish dreams keeps whispering to me, while feeding me peeled grapes, that "historical miniature wargamers turn her on"...)
Hey...I can dream can't I?
Okay back to the projects....

This is a quick pic of most of what I have gotten done recently. It's actually quite a bit and some of the pieces I am especially proud of...
Keep reading and scrolling...
I completed two pieces of scenics recently. The first one that you see below was started some time back and just was one of those "pieces that you work on when you don't know what else to do..." I call it the "Bio-Organic Nutrient Regurgitation Collection Vats", and figure that they'll be used for "something" that "OMENCORP" is working on...(more to come on them later)....

Yessss...All natural organic nutrient regurgitation is collected here in these containers and then pumped to the nutrient processing facility...(present location unknown)...No artificial colors, flavors, or anything else sir...Omencorp prides itself on "Natural Bio-Organic Nutrient Regurgitation"...mmmmmm-hmmmmm.....
Meanwhile, turning our eyes, minds, and noses away from the little Omencorp item, we find this...

This is a BF FoW WWII fuel dump objective marker. I decided to use it as "something else", instead of just fuel, (I'll get another one for fuel later). Just ignore the greenish stuff leaking out...the burning on your skin will go away soon....I promise...
Nothing to see here folks, move along...
One of the things that I have noticed about AK47, is that there never seems to be "enough" trucks...and in Bongoleisa, there never seems to be enough trucks OR enough trucks that actually run...
Part of the projects completed is these four little BF beauties here...
Two Russian Zil Trucks, (I have about six of these now I think. They are really nice little pieces to paint up), and two Italian Lancia heavy trucks, (with assorted cargo under dirty tarps...Hmmmm...I wonder what they could be carrying?
Now I know you are probably saying, "OKAY MURPHY, ENOUGH with the trucks and blah stuff...Let's see the FIGHTING STUFF!!!"
Your wish is my command....
First off, the latest in Bongolesian Air Defense...
The SA-6 is from QRF, and despite it's simple look, it was an absolute pain to put together. The fins on the missiles were horribly bent or broken and in true QRF style, it had "lots of little fiddly parts", with no instructions as to "where they go" I spent A LOT of time looking at various pics of the SA6 to figure out "What goes where." Once it's set up and painted it is an impressive (and heavy), little piece...
But not as heavy as the next one...
Pay no attention to this photograph! There are NO, I repeat, NO SS-21 SCUD TEL's in fact there are no SSM systems in Bongolesia whatsoever. Bongolesia has been receiveing tractor parts and farm equipment from those Russian and Chinese ships. Go back to sleep your government will take care of you....
Continuing onward...
What would Bongolesia be without BARF? (The organization; NOT the substance!).
Helping to outfit those who would depose His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah, and replace his system of corruption and msiery with their own system of corruption and misery, BARF recently had two new techncials painted up for them....
Good gas mileage, easy to park, and easily available to help overthrow a government, these little babies come with AM/FM radio, power steering, and convenient removable tailgates to help with those "Extra heavy" loads (like recoilless rifles)...Stop by your local dealer and get one today!
Now with people like BARF driving all over the place, whats a President-For-Life supposed to do when he is travelling by limo to some location?
Have his own Presidential Guard Motorcycle Escorts!

Four Peter Pig WWII motorcyles and drivers, these will be used for escorting the Presidential Limo (currently a 1959 Caddillac), or perhaps even used a "scout/recon" units...
And now, my "PRIDE AND JOY".....
For the last year or so, I have been struggling with trying to paint USMC troops in 15mm in the USMC WOODLAND MARPAT uniform. Pictures on the net and requests for help with it, really didn't get me anywhere, until I visited a USMC recruiting office.
Explaining to the young leatherneck there that I am "A: Too damn old to enlist", and "B: Was there to see if I could get some info on Woodland MARPAT"; the courteous young marine handed me a copy of USMC magazine which had EXCELLENT pictures of uniforms, equipment, and gear....
But the killer was, I still couldn't get the uniforms down...the colors just didn't seem to go "right"...Until I realized something...
I was trying "too hard"...
You see, 15mm figs are not like 28mm. With 28mm you can make a more detail and have more area to paint, thus you can see the different pixellations of ACUS, and MARPATS. In 15mm, you have very little, and most of their bodies is covered with gear. So then I started looking at the figures and uniforms and saying "Hmmm..okay....what color do I see at this distance?"
And the answer was "brown".
If you look at a picture of the Marine Woodland MARPAT uniform, and hold it at arms length, you will notice that it overall looks like "drab brown", until you start pulling the picture closer to your eyes. Then as it gets closer you will see the different "pixellations", (the greens, tans and blacks)'s truly a confusing and remarkable color pattern, and probably THE WORST AND HARDEST that I have ever had to duplicate...I think next time I will go with desert....three colors, (mostly sand), and that's it...
But when they were done, the overall effect is pretty damn stunning if I do say so myself...
And so, ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you....The United States Marine Corps, (in 15mm USMC Woodland MARPAT)...coming soon to a country near you, to kick ass and take names...

"Semper Fi, Baby!"

An overhead shot showing the force, ready for action....command units, rifle squads, LMGs, SAWs, HMG's and Mortars, all ready to put a hurtin' on whomever they are told to hurt...

Rifle Squads are ready to go!!!

M240 MG teams ready for action....remember,
"Every fifth round is a tracer..."
Command Stands and Mortars...

Rifle squads, support weapons, and all the "umph!" that Marines carry with them to deliver maximum hurt to the enemy... Perhaps in "all" of Bongolesia, these are the only "real" "good" guys that there are...
But whats a third world hell-hole without war zone activities like ambushes?
And so I present to you, dear reader, my "Ambushed Mercedes Sedan"...
This is another Peter Pig little sweet piece to work on. It cleans up well and takes paint pretty good. I will probably get another one later on and do it in a more "shot up and rusted look", for a car that's been sitting on the road for a while...this one is obviously a "newer casualty"...
By the way...You DO know that Bongolesia starts with a "B" right?
Work with me here...
What else starts with a "B"...???
And DON'T say "BOMB!!!!" (wrong answer, you go to the back of the classroom)...
No..."BEACHES!" also start with "B"....
And you know what is frequently seen on "beaches" right?
And if you say "LANDMINES!", "Oil Slicks", or "Machine Gun Bunkers"...then you really need to get out more....
What's seen on "beaches" is ......BIKINI BABES!!!!! can I have a "beach in Bongolesia" without "Bikini Babes!?"
Have no fear! Peter Pig to the rescue once again!

Peter Pig "ancients range" nude females...and with a very VERY fine brush, gave them outfits that even "Wicked Weasel Bikinis" would be proud of. Now they can flounce and bounce all over Bongoelsia's sunny golden shores...
So where does that leave me?
Oh yes....that was the "completed stuff"...
What about "What I am working on now?" answer that question...
I am working on a ceremonial parade flag unit of the Bongolesian Presidential Guard.

These guys are acutally 15mm Napoleonic Highlanders that have been shanghaied into Bongolesian Service. They'll be painted up in their dress uniforms and used in ceremonies and parades...I also have bagpipers that may get into it also...
I'm also working on more anti-government troops, (BARF and "The Lions of Allah")....

As well as "more civilians", (Innocents caught up in the mess, "not so innocents that are looting", protesters, etc...) All in all when finished I should have close to 30 stands of civilians...a nice sized mob if I do say so myself...

Oh and trucks...This is the second to last batch of trucks that I need to do, and finally, FINALLY I think I will have enough trucks...I think...
Oh, and two more landrovers also...

And then I have this batch of miscellaneous stuff...some "odds and ends" figures, some more UN trucks, and some M113's that will go to the UN also...along with a couple of scenics to finish...all in all when done, it'll be quite a haul....

So finally, FINALLY, that's what's on my painting/worktable...lots more figures to paint, (but I've made good progress), and a few "special things" in the pipeline...
I will admit that I am indeed getting "burnt out" on painting 15mm figs...I'm thinking that once this batch gets done I will take a breather, and get back to work on my neglected 28mm pulp figs, pirates, and cowboys for a bit...
Or I could even perhaps, *gasp*....
run a game! there's a thought!!!!
Thanks for reading, and comments are appreciated!