So it's been a while since I have done anything "Bongolesia wise", and as explained in the 2020 update, there's just been so much going on lately in my life that well, "gaming, and Bongolesia" took a far back back BACK burner. New house, medical injury, job, plumbing issue, and getting the game room set up and all.
But I am slowly getting back on track.
After our normal RPG session of Old School D&D, I cleared off the tables and set up an area of Southern Bongolesia, (the border between Bongolesia and it's neighbor to the South, The Fandango Republic), to see how it would look.
I started building some Fandango armor a while back and was wanting to see how the new tables would look. Plus a nice little "border skirmish" would be an interesting way to kick things into high gear.
So I set up the table... (click on the pics for a larger version to see all the "small stuff")...
The border area between Bongolesia (on the left), and The Fandango Republic, (on the right). |
From the Fandango side, looking into Bongolesia. |
From the Bongolesian side, looking towards the Fandango Republic. The small town of Bungatown is visible. |
Naturally in true fashion there always has to be "something" going on to get things started. So with that in mind, I went ahead with it.
Just a stones throw or two away from the border of The Fandango Republic lies the small Bongolesian town of Bungatown. This motley collection of buildings, fields, dirt roads, and vehicles that are in their last stages of life, is festooned with Propaganda signs for Fandangoans to see and is also the location for "Charlies Chicken Farm", ("CCF").
Recently the accusation has come across from the Fandango UN Representative that Charlie's Chicken Farm is really nothing more than a "cleverly disguised intelligence operation", and is actually collecting "intelligence information on The Fandango Republic in preparation for an invasion." When this accusation was presented at the UN, the Bongolesian UN Representative replied with a long adjective laced diatribe which ended with "And your bald headed Uncle Johnny AND the horse you rode in on!", before walking out of the session.
Needless to say, things are beginning their standard downward spiral, (just like the water when the crapper is flushed)...
Here's some pics of Bungatown....
Bungatown...full of dirt, sweat, dust, goombah flies, some ramshackle buildings, and some propaganda, as well as fields, a snack shaq (ask about franchise opportunities), and some other assorted "stuff"...
Another view of Bungatown. Charlie's Chicken Farm, (CCF) is visible in the upper right of this photo. This is the currently disputed location. |
A view of Bungatown showing the obligatory B'wonah poster and some old Petroco storage tanks. |
Patriotism at it's finest... |
And on those really hot days, a nice cold bottle of Bongo-Cola is very refreshing! |
Meanwhile, Cousin Idi is talking up with some friends, and showing off his wheels, (A VW Beetle)... |

The current object of discussion. Charlie's Chicken Farm (CCF), has been accused as being a "Covert and camouflaged intelligence activity center". |
Despite Bongolesian Govt. denials of CCF being an intelligence center, low aerial intelligence imagery has shown an increase in truck traffic and vehicular activity within the vicinity of the site. |
Located on the border between Bongolesia and The Fandango Republic is "Checkpoint Chester". This is a UN Monitoring position currently staffed by a mixed contingent of Danish and Pakistani troops. Along with a jeep and some trucks and a V150 armored car, the site also has two M113 APC's. The UN troops are tasked with monitoring any and all border activities and conducting border patrols of the area. At the end of each area is a national border post checkpoint.
Historical Note: "Checkpoint Chester" was named after Amateur English Ornithologist Chester Wellerfuller, who was reportedly ravaged and savagely eaten by a pack of wild hyenas in the area in 1907...
A view of "Checkpoint Chester", showing a unit of UN troops in formation before boarding the trucks. One of the M113's and the V150 can also be seen, as well as the Bongolesian Border Post, (currently manned by Bongolesian National Police)... |
The actual border of Bongolesia and The Fandango Republic, as well as a good picture of "Checkpoint Chester", and the current contingent. |
The Bongolesian Border Post, currently manned by Bongolesian National Police. |
The Daily Border Patrol, (DBP), heads out from the UN Location to take a quick look around the local border area. BNP personnel are observing. |
It's a hot, dusty, ride as the UN vehicles for some reason do not seem to understand "dust distance" while travelling in column. |
What will this patrol of blue helmets find out there on the border???.... |
That's going to be it for this entry.
There's more to come!