From The EuroNews Network: All the news, delivered with a European flair, by a Eurobabe...
Bongolesian President expresses his "sadness"...
(Sudekia) Reports are coming out of Bongolesia that His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah is 'expressing sadness" over the fact that the representatives of the leading countries of the world have not accepted his invitations to attending his pending 29th Birthday Celebrations.
"Perhaps they have gotten lost in the mail?" He says. "It would just break my heart if I spent that much in postage only to get the down the nose snub by other countries. While I do my best to mend fences and wounds with our former European Colonial Imperialists Lackey Overlords, and show that we, as Bongolesians can move ahead of our turbulent past and leap into an even more turbulent future, we can still all be friends, and even put our differences aside for a good party no?"
Reports are coming out of Bongolesia that the nation is preparing to celebrate the Presidents "29th" birthday again this year on the date of his birth, April 1st.
"We're gonna have a good time and show how much we love our leader!" A national spokesman said. "We've got a great parade, food, fun, fireworks, and all sorts of shindiggins that'll be going on! If you snooze you lose!"
Currently, most of the countries in Europe haven't responded to the invitations. At last word, the nation of Greece was deciding to send a representative to the occassion, and perhaps to request some form of financial assistance from the B'wonah Government.
Stay tuned to the EuroNews Network for more as this story unfolds....