More on this story as the situation unfolds…stay tuned to the European News Network; where "All the news, is delivered with a European Flair, by a Eurobabe…"
And now, back to "Bowling with Nuns"…
A wonderful little blog, (cleared by Govt. Authorities), to highlight the fun, frolic, and fantastic freaky funkiness of the African Nation of Bongolesia in the world of AK47 Republic...
(Anti-Govt. rebels may be the reason behind the missing scientists...)
His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah has scheduled a press conference concerning the situation later today. He has graciously allowed all European News Eurobabes to have front row seats. More info on this evolving situation as we get it.Now…back to our regularly scheduled program of "Dancing With The Homeless"…
(The Bongolesian Victory Arch of National Independence and Unity...along with "almost real" gemstones...)
A close up view of the arch...
An "artistic" oblique view of the arch, showing a PP News Media stand for size comparison...
Hmmm...I've noticed lately that my digital camera seems to be giving me less and less satisfactory pics. Even with light assistance and changed settings I think that it just can't handle the job for what I want it to do...
Of course, it wouldn't be Bongolesia without Anti-Govt opportunists at every corner...
So to help spur on the Revolutionary fervor, (or is that fever?), I present to you, the BARF color bearer!
He's a Peter Pig WWII German Aircraft Mechanic with a metal rod for a staff, and proudly carrying the revolutionary colors of BARF forward to victory!!!
I've also got some more civilians painted up, and the first of my Lions of Allah, and the ship is ALMOST done..(It's taken a back seat to other projects now...grrr..)
More photos and another update soon, I hope!
Comments are appreciated!