And this blog marks it's fifth birthday today...
102 posts, 72 followers, 25K + page views...
And the hits just keep on coming!
Once again I am humbled and appreciative of those folks out there that continue to read this blog and support my Imagi-nation, my third world African Hell-hole...
This year saw some interesting changes...The creation of Two Facebook Pages, (One group page, and one "Official Government Page"), and this blog being awarded a "Stylish Blogger Award". Also, it's been graciously mentioned by a few others in the creations of their imagi-nations.
Sadly though, the game I was going to run at Origins fell through, and it seems like next year will be a bust also, as the date is now Memorial Day Weekend...but I still have Gencon...muah hah hah!
Bongolesia has charmed many, infuriated some, upset others, disgusted a few, and really rankled those with very thin skins and sensitive personalities. Yet, those who see it for what it is, see it for what it is,,,a dark satire; gallows humor.
And that it's not "Real",. (despite the USPS sending mail there), and is just a place to have imaginary battles and shenanigans with little toy soldiers...
From myself to allow me to keep this blog going for five years...I offier my most sincere thanks and gratitude...