Imagine my surprise and how honored I felt when this morning I discovered that I had been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award for bringing "Bongolesia" to the masses...
First off a HEARTY and HUGE BIG "THANK YOU" goes to David Manley at "Don't Throw Bloody Spears At Me!".
You can find his blog here: http://dtbsam.blogspot.com/2011/04/stylish-blogger-award.html
Now although the honor doesn't come with a cash award or anything like that, it is an honor to be recognized. I've always been one of those guys that say "Wow, I wish I could paint figs, run a game, build terrain, and even have a cool blog like these guys." I never consider myself "good enough". I see some of the other blogs out there, and it does make me envious, wishing that I had that type of skill, but at the same time they also inspire me. I hope that this blog and some of the things I've done will help inspire you, dear reader, onto good gaming!
That being said though...
With this award comes responsibilities and duty....and rules....(Yeah we got rules here...)
There are four rules to the award that have to be followed:
1: Thank and link back to the person giving you the award- - thanks again DTBSAM! :)
2: Share seven things about yourself.
3: Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award.
4: Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award.
2: Share seven things about yourself.
3: Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award.
4: Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award.
Okay so seven things about me...
1: I'm a Civil War Reenactor.
2: I get my college degree at the end of this year.
3: I hope to have a house with a fully designated "Man Cave/Game Room" in the near future with table, display cases and the like, like Lord Ashram has...
4: I wish I could find a good group of people to DM again...(one of my groups ran EVERY Saturday night for many years and was only actually interrupted on account of a war. (Desert Shield and Storm)...
5: My three favorite movies are : 1: The Quiet Man; 2: Darby O' Gill and The Little People; and 3: Casablanca...
6: I'm the original designer of Gutshot (The Origins 2006 Winner for "Historical Miniatures Game Of The Year), and co-creator of the present version.
7: I've been diagnosed with ONHD (a VERY RARE optic nerve disorder that will result in total bllindness for me in 20-30 years)...
8: I've been into "toy soldiers" all of my life, for as long as I can remember...
And now in honor of it all, and in carrying on the proud tradition of it all, I'd like to recognize the following blogs who's stuff has inspired me, thrilled me, taunted and titillated me. All in all, excellent works of gamesmanship and creativitiy, listed in no particular order.
Well done my friends!
ColCampbells Barracks: http://colcampbellbarracks.blogspot.com/
Der Alte Fritz Journal: http://altefritz.blogspot.com/
Doctor Merkurys Lab: http://doctormerkury.blogspot.com/
Mongos Wafflehouse: http://mongoswafflehouse.blogspot.com/
Mistress of Minis: http://mistressofminis.blogspot.com/
Daddys Little Men: http://daddyslittlemen.blogspot.com/
Too Much Lead: http://toomuchlead.blogspot.com/
Panzerfausts 150 blog: http://panzerfaust150.6sided.net/
Crisis In Alcovia: http://alcovia.blogspot.com/
Lord Ashram's House of War: http://lordashramshouseofwar.blogspot.com/
Please check out these blogs for further inspiration and good reading! They've all done a tremendous job!
And once again. Thank you dear readers for all of your support!
More Bongolesian news and updates coming your way....
Congratz on your award!!! Well deserved!
Thanks Ray! No way it could've been possible without good readers and subscribers...
Congratulations, great items but No.5 item 2......what's wrong with you?
Congratulations on your award.
And a heartfelt thank you for mentioning my blog. I enjoy reading about the adventures of B'Wonah and his minions (er, patriotic subordinates).
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