Saturday, June 11, 2011






EURONEWS NETWORK: (ENN): "All the news with a European Flair; delivered by a Eurobabe..."

Midday talks on the current Bongolesian Crisis, completely broke down today as European Diplomats offered a "Financial Solution and Change Plan", to "assist Bongolesia in it's current economic boondoggle."
"While Boongdoggle is a term that we do not normally use here in Europe..." says European Spokesman Pierre Poupon of France, "and it is something that ze Americans like to use, *sniff*, ze fact that ze word is simply ze only one that we can theenk of to explain their situation..."
Bongolesian representatives today were presented with a jaw-dropping proposal by the European Nations and Financial Markets to completely overhaul their economic system, beginning with their own currency.
According to an anonymous source, The European representatives proposed to the Bongolesian representatives that their nation, "completely do away with their current currency, The Bling-Bling and to replace it with something that is more financially stable and has maintained it's value over the long term test of time."

FROM THIS....(The Current Currency of Bongolesia)...

TO THIS:...(The Proposed Future Currency of Bonoglesia)...

Bongolesian National Authorities overwhelmingly rejected the proposal and after briefing the government on this latest proposal, Bongolesian Diplomat to Europe, Ambassador F'lybye Nite, said simply..."My Government has received this proposal and after a careful review and evaluation of it, has instructed me to tell my European counterparts that they know what they can to with themselves..."

Bongolesian Ambassador to Europe, Mr. F'lybye Nite, seen here discussing items of importance with a staff member...

Reports coming from Bongolesia say that the National Government is "highly displeased" with this latest round of failed solutions, and talks. This comes as civil unrest continues in the Northern part of the country and is suspected (though not confirmed) to be spreading throughout the rest of the country.

Media coverage of the unrest is currently being censored and controlled by National Govt. Authorities and it is indeed difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on in Bongolesia.

Of course many analysts and experts say that that is "perfectly normal with this country, as they haven't been able to get a clear picture of the situation there for over 20 years..."


DATELINE: (HOLLYWOOD): Cinema Superstar and International Relations Emasculator Alan Alda today announced that he was willing to discuss his plans for "helping to solve the current situation with Bongolesia, and to show how, once again, the US Government is "somehow at fault for letting this happen."

"I blame Washington." Alda said after sipping from his bottle of Evian Water while sitting in a cafe in Hollywood. "We know that the US Government is usually behind all kinds of things that happen in this world, and it has the reputation of being the schoolyard bully and threatening younger children with violence in the school bathroom if they don't allow us to copy their homework. Do you know what it's like to have to go pee, but you are deathly afraid because of the bully in the bathroom? It's a harrowing experience I can tell you. You shake your legs and watch the clock, waiting for school to be out, because you are afraid of wetting your pants... Well it's the same with the international community and the US Government, I'm thinking...."

Alan Alda, passionately discusses the current Bongolesian Crisis...(Be sure to see the entire special report right after this newscast!)...


Monday, June 6, 2011

Crisis in Bongolesia!

EURONEWS NETWORK: All the news, delivered with a European Flair, by a Eurobabe...





(Washington): In a rare and sudden unexpected move, the US Government today announced that it is offering its diplomatic assistance to help "find a resolution to the current Bongolesian Crisis afflicting that country."

In a released statement by The White House, it reads: "The People and Government of The United States are aware of the problems in Bongolesia and with it's relations in the international community. We are shocked and saddened that this has taken on a violent tone, and in order to maintain a more peaceful world, we are ready to help resolve this situation diplomatically or otherwise as soon as possible."

It is speculated that the US Government is reacting quickly due to a "Deer In The Headlights" moment in International Affairs due to the sudden presence of Acting Legend and Cinema Superstar Alan Alda, offering his services to go to the Cayman Islands and to help mediate the crisis to a peaceful happy conclusion.

In a quickly worded response, the press agent for Mr. Alda said: "While Mr. Alda respects the sudden sensitivity of the US Government to this issue that they no doubt in some way, shape, or form, had a hand in creating, he still stands by his offer to be flown to the Cayman and handle this in the way that only a sensitve gentle artistic soul of his caliber can. He has his flip flops ready and is just waiting on his boarding pass!"

Mr. Alan Alda, (in a clean shirt and tie); also known as "The Henry Thoreau of International Relations"...

Meanwhile in Bongolesia....

Sources are releasing the first pictures of some of the local actions taken by the Interior Security Ministry in putting down the growing opposition and civil unrest. While only a few pictures have made their way out, they show the security forces clamping down hard on the protesters.

In this picture here, a local civilian is on the wrong end of the riot stick as a local security official persuades him to change the error of his ways...

Also, the first released pictures of the damage to Port Kensington-Hyde-White has been released showing some of the devastation caused by the civil unrest. Bongolesian Govt. Officials have increased the curfew and rumor is that martial law will be enacted "very soon, if conditions do not improve".

Many buildings in Port Kensington-Hyde-White have been damaged or destroyed completely, which is contributing to the break down of the local infrastructure. Rumor is that petrol is completely out, and that food, water, and power is sporadic at best due to the damage.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

A well dressed dictator....

There are very few "good things" about third world tin pot dictators...
However, I WILL admit that they always seem to have cool and snazzy looking uniforms filled with awesome medals, badges, jump wings, awards, medallions, other wonderful trinkets of bling.
Soooo with Origins coming up, I've decided..."Why NOT have a Dictator uniform for my Bongolesia game?"
And my lady, (Gawd bless her); has agreed to make it.
While she makes the jacket, (from a combine "Prince Charming", and US Civil War Officers Frock/Jacket Pattern), I decided to go with getting "The Bling".
I wanted it to be tacky...and bemedalled like any dictator worth his dictatorness would have.
The only problem was that I did not want to use "Real" medals that were currently in service or being awarded.
Call me odd, but as a military veteran, I have issues with people wearing "Real World" awards that they were never awarded and even as "costume jewelry". I would feel that someone wearing something such as the CMH, or the VC, shouldn't do it because using it as costume jewelry to me, demeans the meaning of what that medal represents. I don't mind anyone wearing medals from countries that no longer exist, (such as South Vietnam, or The British Honduras, or Manchuko), or even horribly obsolete ones, (such as the 1900 series of Belgian medals for Civil Service), but ones that folks on todays battlefield are often receiving is another story...
Now honestly, if you want to go and wear your old high school JROTC Medals and Ribbons that you got 30 years ago...feel free to do so...I don't think anyone is going to care or remember.
But if you wear a CMH as part of your "outfit", you better be damn well ready to prove that you DID in fact earn it....
Now with that little rant being done, I was then faced with "How do I find such wonderful cheap tacky medals?"
The honest answer? You don't really.
Sadly enough to say, there really isn't a large market for medals for non-existant countries, and although there is a site on Ebay that sells "3 military medals", (nice generic ones, just like the kind your would find on Michael Jackson's uniforms); unfortunately I found the prices for them to be a bit too expensive. was time to be creative....
First off...another large night of cruising ebay; and in doing so, I made a couple of purchases of large lots of "miscellaneous medals and parts". Some of these were present day current medals, and some were older medals, and some were medals from now, non-existant countries, (such as the Civil Technician Award from South Vietnam). I don't think that the South Vietnamese Govt. is going to be upset at me using one of their medals for parts etc...
So that's what I did.
I took the draperies and medallions from each of the medals and re-arranged them. The old European one with the red ribbon suddenly had an extra ring and went to a different colored ribbon, etc. Thus "new" medals were created for Bongolesia and no one can accuse me of wearing "Real" medals. In fact one of the crosses is a cheap reproduction, and three of the medallions are actually "vogue jewelry pendants" that can be found at an arts and crafts/hobbies store in the beads and jewelry section. I also think that one of them has doubled in the past as a handle hanger for a chest of drawers....
So a little change here...a swoop there...and voila!


Worthy of any dictator, this chest of medals is sure to impress the ladies, (and make them swoon), make you the idol of the kids on your block, and may even get you a free drink or dinner at your local pub/tavern/bar/hookah lounge/etc...

A close up of the medals and you can see the different variations that can be created by just using your imagination, and some stuff from ebay, and local arts and crafts stores. You'll look like a hero and no one will be insulted. And if they get in your face about "The Order Of The Golden Lion First Class", then you can wait until they finish blustering then laugh in their face....

I also need ribbons and besides my JROTC ribbons that I have around here somewhere, I have some other local growgrain ribbon to make some...So it'll help me look even more "dictatory"...(is that a word?)...

And finally....

Quite dashing, don't you think?

The jacket isn't finished but I had to try it on with my hat and give an "inspirational pose"....

You'll be able to see me in all of my bemedalled dictatored glory at Origins....

Saturday, June 4, 2011


FROM THE EUROPEAN NEWS NETWORK (ENN): "All the news, with a European Flair, delivered by a Eurobabe!"...

World Financial Leaders and Banking Organizations today voted overwhelmingly to reject the validation and international financial recognition and accredidation of the recently proposed and released "Bongolesian Express Card".
In a joint statement released by Financial and Banking Leaders and Lenders throughout the world, it said the following:
"It is with heavy heart and after much consideration that we have decided to reject the validation and financial recognition necessary to accredit the Bongolesian Express Card. This rejection in no way reflects ill will upon the nation of Bongolesia, nor it's people, but instead focuses on the unanswered questions having to do with market stability, government regulations, international trade and financial goodwill, and most of all the fluctuation of Bongolesian Currency upon the world financial market. The fact that the card carries a 875% interest rate has also raised a few eyebrows..."

The Bongolesian Express Card...You can't leave home without it....actually you can, but now no one will recognize it as valid....

National Government Spokesman Sp'in Doktur discusses the current hijinks surrounding the recent snubbing by monetary institutions around the world...

Upon learning of the refusal to recognize the new credit card for Bongolesia, National Spokesman Sp'in Dok'tur spoke in reply:
"It saddens us, as a nation, and a people, and for his Exellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah, it just breaks his heart to see us treated this way once again, by other nations that have a "We're better than you, n'yah!" attitude. You would think that in this day and age, our former European Colonial Occupiers and their flunky allies would wanna do the right thing and okey-dokey this card to show that Bongolesia would be a good place to invest, and spend your money in as much as possible. It seems though that all they wanna do is play games with our nation and our people until they can get their way once again. Well, I don't know about you folks, but I think that that ain't gonna happen for a loooooong time."

Sources in Sudekia say that due to this recent "look down their nose at Africa once again", mentality and attitude, they expect the financial markets to work against the validity of the Bongolesian Currency, known as "The Bling-Bling". This will increase prices throughout the country and lead to inflation, as well as perhaps even fuel more civil unrest while the government attempts to solve the situation.
Meanwhile despite a curfew and increased police/security presence, civil unrest continues in Kensington-Hyde-White and Waughtown for a second day as for the first time, the delightful aroma of CS riot control gas graced the air and noses of protestors. Despite firing dispersal gas into the crowds of protesters and day shoppers at the local outlet store, civil unrest continues in these two cities, with the largest and most active in Kensington-Hyde-White. National Government officials are working with local leaders to stop the unrest and address issues of concern and restoring order.

Unhappy citizens in Kensington-Hyde-White show their frustration ...

"Suck on this!" Riot gas used on protesters to help restore order...

Meanwhile in Hollywood California, cinema legend and all time acting superstar Alan Alda has offered his services to the US Government to fly him to either the Cayman Islands or Switzerland to meet with Bongolesian Officials to discuss how he can help mediate a succesful ending to the current issues plaguing the nation.

Can he do it? Alan Alda offers his services to help stop "The Bongolesian Issue and to make sure that it's America's Fault"...


Friday, June 3, 2011


Government declares State of Emergency due to thugs and hooligans causing problems in major cities...

Police Force and NDF deal with bad boyz wannabes....

(Sudekia) The National Government today declared a "State of Emergency" within the nation with curfews on the cities of Clarksville, Waughtown, and Kensington-Hyde-White.

Government spokesmen have announced the curfew to help stop the angry rioting that has been fueled by anti-govt. thugs and hooligans using the current financial crisis to exhort their rhetoric agains the law and order government and the people.

In statement issued by the National Government, Spokesman Sp'in Dok'tur said:

"Due to the current wham-bam thank you ma'am issues going on with the international communities against our beloved nation, certain thugs and hooligans that don't like our way of life have decided to use this time to cause trouble in the country. Despite their pitiful efforts at swaying loyal Bongolesians from their nation, there is a whole lotta shaking going on, and as a result his Excellency President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah has approved a State of Emergency within the nation. Interior security forces are being bolstered by our beloved NDF troops and mark my words...Our boys in green will make sure that anyone getting jiggy as a result of this civil unrest will soon see the sharp end of the pain stick!"

Poor defenseless automobiles are set afire on the streets of Clarksville by thugs and hooligans....

A photograph of some local thugs and hooligans trying to start trouble in Waughtown. Just moments later they felt the pain stick as security forces got jiggy with them and laid down the law.

National Defense troops singing Patriotic Songs and whippin' up the ol' fightin' spirit before going in and dealing with people that did and didn't cause all the problems going on. Besides being able to rip off a burst with machine guns, many of these guys have great singing voices!

General Lok N' Lode, commander of the National Defense Forces, addresses media questions about dealing with the thugs and hooligans. The General likes to get plenty of action, and it's guaranteed that he'll be giving the action to those hoodlums that want to cause problems in our beloved nation.