Wow...7 years...and still going....
Once again my little child continues to grow and get another year older...
Although I have NOT been as active with it this year as I have wanted to; we have seen the following happen:
1: I've created the first elements of The Bongolesian Navy, (to include Naval Marines).
2: I've painted up the first "enemy armor" from their neighbor to the South, The Fandango Republic.
3: I've painted up another unit of NDF troops.
My focus lately has been more on 28mm figs than my 15's. But once I finish this current project I am on, I will be back to getting more Bongolesian goodness going...
And, it wouldn't be the same without you, dear readers and supporters...
I am always humbled and honored and in awe when people discuss my blog, and talk about how much they like it. I never expected this, and for those that have used it as inspiration for their own nations, I am truly honored. May your flags forever fly high...
Thank you once again and long live the nation!!!!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
(Sudekia): The Glorious Nation of Bongolesia and it's people under the wise and ever all knowing and benevolent government of His Excellency President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah, celebrated The National Day of Independence today throughout the country with parades, prayers, celebrations, patriotic speeches and remembrances.
Our beloved National Flag, flapping high in the breeze, letting you know what it is...
From the local children's parade and landmine strut outside of Lonnieville to the ever growing and popular "Barb-wire Hoedown" in Port Tuziak, the people of Bongolesia celebrated their national day of supposed Freedom and assumed Independence.
Speaking from The Presidential Palace, (The Pink Palace), His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah spoke of this glorious day.
"It just fills my heart with such gladness and joy to see our folks lovin' what they get and what they got comin' to them. It's been a long, rocky, pothole filled dirt road that we have forced others to travel upon to get where we are today, but I promise you that the ordeal was worth it. We know who we are, and we are here to show the world who we are what it is!"
His Excellency was going to be spending the day in conferences and reviewing contestants for the upcoming "Miss Banana Chip 2013" at the upcoming National Banana Chip Festival.
"That ain't working....that's the way you do it!"
The nationally acclaimed Bongo Group, "The Bongoleers" pose before their concert in Clarksville. Tickets were sold out fast for this show...
Meanwhile, lets not forget our gallant "Boys In Green" who even on this day, stand ready to defend our nation against those who would do us harm, or attempt to collect on debts, (real or imagined).... Here we see a tank and crew from 1st Bongolesian Armored (aka: "The Fighting Jujus"), parked near Bomb'a De Plane International Airport in Sudekia.
Just seeing if you are paying attention....
Indeed what would a country be without it's music?
Our nation is filled with all sorts of talent, (real and otherwise). Among the many concerts and shows given this day to the masses (for a small price), are Bongolesian International Recording Superstars Buddy Bongo (above), and P'nut Lohg singing their critically reviewed hits "There's A Crocodile In The River", and "I Didn't Know She Was Married!!!", among other things. Buddy has been known sometimes to even break out some of his older hits such as "Landmine Blues", and "What's That Sound?"
Much music and fun and dancing was had by all!
One of the many fans of P'nut Lohg, (Who has sold more records in SE Central Africa than Slim Whitman)....
Dancing The Night Away....Festive and Happy Citizens dance into the late hours to music and celebrations of the nations independence.
With congratulatory notes coming from a wide variety of countries, including China, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Chad, Cuba, The Democratic Republic of The Congo, Chechnya, and many others, Bongolesia is truly a nation among nations!!!!
Long Live The Nation!
Friday, August 16, 2013
"Lick It, and Stick It!!!"...
(Sudekia): The National Post Office today proudly revealed the first stamp in the new commemorativer series titled "Honoring Those That Help Bongolesia".
The first stamp to be released in the series is of that International Debonair Man of The Hour, and Cinema Icon and Legend, Mr. Alan Alda...
A National Postal Spokesman explained the stamp to a frenzied media...
"Alan Alda has used his charm, amazing charisma, and intelligence and his knowledge of Bongolesia to assist us in various international affairs. By keeping the American Government on it's toes and not trying to burrow into our business, he has, with the assistance of numerous extra-frothy latte's topped with fresh whipped cream and double sprinkled with cinnamon, worked tirelessly for the welfare of our nation to get what is coming to us, and what we deserve. We feel that this is a great way to say "Thanks!" for a job well done!"
Other stamps will be released in the series and are sure to become a valued and treasured collectors item...
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(Now you can lick him where it counts...)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
From The Euro News Network: "All the news with a European Flair, delivered by a Eurobabe...."
(SUDEKIA): Sources in Bongolesia report that the border crisis between Bongolesia and it's Southern neighbor The Fandango Republic, seems to be worsening by the day. Reports from the nearby city of Lonnieville confirm that refugees are already fleeing the Southern area and moving towards the imagined safety of the interior as the military prepares to increase it's presence in the area.
"We've seen people moving this way all day coming from the South." said a Lonnieville citizen. "We tell them that they have to keep moving because there is no room at the inn.", confirming suspicions that all available lodging has been taken up already by those able to do so.
Scores of refugees have been seen moving forward through the town, carrying whatever possessions they can carry with them. Everywhere is the feeling that the storm clouds of war are soon to be unleashed upon the southern area of the land.
The Southern area of Bongolesia has been relatively spared from the ongoing chaotic and sporadic fighting between the national government of President B'wonah and the Bongolesian African Revolutionary Front (BARF), as they continue to try to overthrow the current regime and install one of their own., that is seen mostly in the Central and Northern parts of this country.
(On the road again...)
A long line of refugees moving away from the Southern Border and into the Bongolesian interior...
Meanwhile, taking advantage of the chaotic situation, certain unlawful elements in the nearby Southern towns and villages attempt their hand at causing civil unrest to cover for looting and other criminal activities. Local police are hard pressed to maintain control and do it in just about anyway possible, short of using live ammunition...
('s the ONLY thing they will understand...)
Bongolesian local police use hard action to discourage criminals and looters from causing problems during this crisis...
(Sudekia): Bongolesian National Spokesman Sp'in Dok'tur has announced that His Excellency, President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah, will address the nation on radio and television this evening, concerning the current crisis.
(Telling you like it is....)
National Spokesman Sp'in Dok'tur discussing the Presidents upcoming speech this evening on the current border crisis with The Fandango Republic)....
(Reports indicate that the President is "deeply concerned" about the situation with The Fandangonians and will address the nation this evening on events pertaining to it.)
"Make no mistake about it, my friends." Spokesman Dok'tur said to a bevy of reports this morning. "His Excellency knows how to deal with these hooligans (and they know who they are), along our border and will do his duty and utmost in making sure that they get what they are looking for. The nation and the people follow him blindly in good faith and will get on the humpty-humpty to ensure our nation comes out of this on top!"
(Port Tuziak): During a routine inspection of many of the United Nations Peacekeeping troops on various duties here within the nation, the Commanding Officer of the Forces took a few moments out to discuss the situation with reporters.
"Mein Headquarters has not informed me of any orders for me to move mein troops und panz..errr...vehicles vorwards into any type of combat operations. I have been assigned here to oversee the duties of the Peacekeepers under mein command, and until I am told otherwise, that is what I will do." said General Hans von KinderSchlager as he inspected troops at Port Tuziak.
Currently, there has been no word from the UN on what to do in case fighting does break out between the two countries. An emergency meeting on the situation is scheduled for next Tuesday at 1:30 pm at the UN building in New York. There, the assistants of the Security Council will meet with diplomats to both nations and try to figure out a workable peaceful solution.
Gen. KinderSchlager was hopeful of the situation as he inspected the UN troops and clicked his heels together. "Ja. I do think that the UN will find a way to oversee this current issue and perhaps I will be needed to push mein truppen und panz...errr....resources vorwards to ensure that the peace is kept."
We here at ENN can only hope that the UN will be able to resolve this situation before fighting breaks out...
(A Triumph of The Will...)
UN Military Peacekeeper Commanding General Hans von KinderSchlager listens intently to a briefing on the situation along Bongolesia's Southern Border, before breaking for lunch...
We here at the Euro News Network ("All the news with a European Flair, delivered by a Eurobabe...."), will continue to monitor the situation and report as it unfolds. Stay tuned!!!!
And now since "College Cheerleader Hot Oil Rubdown" has ended, we now join "Grandma's Hot Tub Weekend" staring David Hasselhoff, already in progress...
They're waiting on "The Hoff"....
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tensions escalate along Southern Border!
Each side accuses the other of "Saber Rattling"...
President B'wonah promises "the sharp end of the pain stick" if Fandango Forces try to get jiggy....
(SUDEKIA): Bongolesian Defense Forces have been put on an escalated height of alert due to the recent border altercations with it's southern geographic neighbor, The Fandango Republic.
"Reports over the last two days indicate several "incidents" along our border with the nation to the south of us", A national spokesman said. "These incidents were caused solely by the government of The Fandango Republic attempting to flex it military muscles into our nether regions and seeing what they can get. This is not only a direct violation of international boundaries but it is also a direct insult to us as a nation and our beloved people and President."
(Checkpoint Alfred: one of the many forward border stations in Bongolesia looking southward towards "enemy territory".)
Hollywood Legend offers his advice and assistance!!!
(HOLLYWOOD): Legendary Cinema Screen Icon Alan Alda, long a champion of the Bongolesian people, and the nation in itself, was briefed this morning on the situation in his home in Beverly Hills.
"After watching this being briefly bandied about on CNN this morning, the seriousness of it affected me greatly, and I felt the urgent...almost compelling need to once again make my services available." The legend said with earnestness in his voice.
"The people of Bongolesia have long been trod under by the Western Nations and in particularly The United States, and usually whenever there is an issue of some type in that region (or any other region), you can bet a dollar to a grand double whipped latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar on it, that the US Government is somehow and someway involved in this."
(Sincerity comes in all forms....Legendary Cinema Icon Alan Alda discusses the troubles pertaining to Bongolesia and his offer to help it...)
Military forces increased their alert status throughout the country, as NDF troops worked to prepare themselves against any further operations, while Presidential Guard troops assisted local law enforcement officials in securing the major cities.
"Morale is high among the members of the military as the newly painted and running equipment seems to be mostly in working order." said a NDF spokesman. "The troops will be ready to give the hurt to the Fandangonian invaders in the event that the invaders decide to invade."
(Keeping "good citizens" safe from "bad citizens"....Presidential Guard troops watch for any suspicious activity on the streets of Sudekia...)
(While NDF Border troops show their skill, morale, and readiness to get it on with the Fandangonians...)
We here at the EuroNews Network will keep watch on this situation and will report to you as events unfold in this international crisis...
And now, back to the closing credits of "The Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck"....
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Workbench update!!!
Well it's been a bit since my last update. Real world stuff has one again reared it's head and my new job is keeping me busy. But with that in mind, I thought I would give some updates on my latest work on the ol' workbench.
So without further eloquence:
First up is a pic of my WIP of Bongolesian Naval Infantry. Since the Bongolesian Navy is primarily a coastal defense force, and having no real deep water capability, The BN (Bongolesian Navy), needs naval infantry for a wide variety of duties, including the occasional suppression of OTHER mutinous Bongolesian Navy troops.
"They want you! They want you! They want you as a new re-cruit!"
Bongolesian Naval Infantry (in the white shirts).
I had originally planned on giving them dark blue tops and helmets with military green trousers but the color coordination was absolutely atrocious.
So I went back and looked at some real world naval infantry pics, and decided to go with the black helmet, white top, black trouser look. The Chinese really have the outfits down...
I'll be posting more on them as I finish them, but wanted to give you a little taste of what to expect.
So every country, (even corrupt ones) needs a police force right?
So why not Bongolesia?
That's right! The nation now has it's very own standing police force. (Currently on the table, 4 figures and 1 car), but hey, ya gotta keep the citizens in line right?
This WIP will be finished soon I hope. I plan on adding a few more figs and vehicles, but they shouldn't be much of a force to be reckoned with.
*Cue the theme music from "Hill Street Blues"....Keeping law in order (from their point of view), on the streets of Bongolesian Cities.
Let's be careful out there, okay?
MEANWHILE....To The South of Bongolesia....
Why should Bongolesia have ALL the fun??
It's well known that our beloved nation has enemies.
Among them is their "neighbor" (in geographic terms only), to the South; that mysterious nation known as "The Mysterious Fandango Republic".(MFR)
And it's only natural that sooner or later the MFR is going to show some muscle along the border.
Hence 1st MFR Armored and their M24 Chaffee tanks.
The M24's for the MFR have been mechanically upgraded with better performance engines, although the tank is essentially the same as it's WWII counterpart. It's lightweight, high-speed and maneuverability in the difficult terrain of the MFR/Bongolesian border makes it an excellent armored vehicle. The 75mm gun gives enough "umph" without being unwieldy and overpowering.
Not quite yet ready for action...But I soon think that we will be seeing more from this group...
So that's currently it for what I am working on.
I'm hoping to finish up some stuff and run a small game by late April-early May. Origins is coming up fast....
More to come...I'm sure of it...
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