Saturday, August 13, 2011


Okay, okay, life has been a bit hectic...
In June of this year, Rebel Minis, released the "Bongolesia" supplement for their "Modern Havok" game. Since this is a supplement, you do need the Modern Havok rules to play, but it has a ton of amazing scenarios and adventures to it.
They've also released a very cool boxed set of minis, including agents, hostages, rebel troops, etc...all in all a perfect starter set to send you down the ever spiralling path of creating your own third world hell-hole campaign setting.

You can find more info on it here:

(Bongolesia's Concept of "Rapid Deployment Troops" belts not included...)

The rules are VERY "tongue in cheek", and ANYONE that "feels offended by them, or how they portray Bongolesians" either has tissue paper think skin, or needs to be offended by something this week, (next week, it'll be something else, like "hubcaps that cause cancer", or "why the blue screen of death on pcs portrays the color blue.")...They're made to be fun and the figs can be added to (go on, you know you want to...) from Rebel Minis, along with Peter Pig, Cannon Fodder, or any of the other 15mm modern manufacturers out there.

It's an honor for me to have Rebel Minis do this. Everything all the way across the board was on the up and up and you couldn't ask for a better way (or people) to work with.
I'm very proud and pleased that my silly little nation has brought joy and fun to so many people, and I thank Rebel Minis for getting this out. The Rebel Minis Company is a great company to work with, and I think that I shall be doing business with them a lot more in the future...(if my wallet can stand my binge buying)...
I think I'll be running a few of these wonderful scenarios in the future....

So do you part for the economy, support your game companies, and see if you can change "Africa"...(Well Bongolesia at least...)
And most of all...have fun with it!

P'hat Daddee B'wonah would be please...I'm sure of it...

More to come....I'm sure of it....


  1. I'm planning on ordering a copy this week! Great blog by the way!

  2. Thank you for the kind words! Let me, (And Rebel), know what you think of the product.
    More info on the recent issues concerning Bongolesia will be forthcoming...

  3. LOL "seat belts not included" :-D
    great to have a product named after your blog..nice one.

  4. Murph, Just got my Bongolesia Box Set in today's mail and already have some troops for the 1st Combined Arms Brigade of Yerbouti's Combined Defense Force based and ready to prime and paint. Hope all's well!
