Friday, April 22, 2011

Medals, Buildings and B'wonah!

An overdue update for you dear reader...

One of the things that I have noticed is that third world delusional tin-pot tin-plated dictators seem to have in common is their love of medals and military awards. It seems that many of them believe in "The power of the bling"...
That being said, I decided to try my hand at creating a Bongolesian Medal/Award.
And thus I present to you, dear reader:


The Order of the Golden Lion is an award given to those that have helped to further goodwill, and the cause of Bongolesia nationwide and throughout the rest of the world. It is the highest award that can normally be awarded upon a non-citizen that has worked towards the better welfare of Bongolesia...

In reality, it's a fake military medal created by myself and my wonderful lady...

The Order of The Golden Lion

See how spiffy it looks on a suit coat?

Just the type of bling you want to impress that hot young girl at the club on Saturday night...

More medals and awards to be coming in the future....

And now onto stuff that I'm working on, or finished, or wished I was finished with...

With Origins 2011 coming up fast..and I mean FAST, I'm going on a crash course in construction for Bongolesia. One of the "lollygag" projects I've had was the control tower for Sudekia Airport. I wanted something that had a "Seventies Future-ish" look, and with some scrap material, I created "Sudekia Tower"....

"Ground Control to Major Tom...." The control tower and building for Sudekia International Airport, (also known by it's old French name of "Bom'ba De Plaine Airport"....)...

Weathering on the building and the wear and tear of a 30+ year old control tower...and the corrugated metal roof and siding used in building repairs...

Part of my Origins game is going to rely on a beach, and what good African country that has water and a coastline doesn't have a beach? I mean, heck...Even his Excellency President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah likes to slip on a pair of speedos once in a while and get the sand between his tootsies as he watches the waves roll in on the beach...

So I started working on building "Ann'zee'oh Beach" for the upcoming game....

27" inches in lenght, and about 10" wide; it's made of pink foam with three dune hills attached ...

The base of the beach...patience and a lot of glue.....

After letting the dunes dry, and giving it a nice base coat, I plastered it with watered glue for the ground, (sand)...and applied liberally...

Here's my effort from my first layer of sand...

Not very easy to see...but you can see the general formation of it all...

I'm currently adding another layer. The dark spot on the left was a comparision of "sands", (The dark being "Sand" from Games Workshop)...

A nice long view of the beach....a place for romantic strolls in the sunset, oil slicks from wrecked tankers, and invasion forces to land...

And finally an update on the creation of the Presidential Palace, (The Pink Palace)...

Why no self respecting dictator worth his weight in truth serum wouldn't have a pad that he can call his own. And B'wonah is no different. The "Pink Palace" is the official Presidential Residence....

Hot and Cold Running Intrigue....

A perfect place for international hijinks and diplomatic shenanigans...

The Palace is made up of foamcore and is based on a solid sheet of foamcore. Groundwork is Scenic Effects flock and Gale Force 9. I'm really liking their stuff more and more....

A 15mm figure on a stand for size comparison..."I wonder who that could be???"...

Why, it's none other than "The Man!", himself! His Excellency President-For-Life P'hat Daddee B'wonah, in all of his resplendent bemedalled military dictatorshipness and glory! He seems to be checking out his crib!

More projects are on the table and being worked on, and more reports and photos to be coming in, including my hellish experiment with painting AAVP7s in NATO 3 color and painting 15mm USMC in Woodland Marpat...(argh!)

Semper Fi, baby....

My Marines awaiting MARPAT painting...

As usual, comments are appreciated....


  1. Sudekia Tower is a beaut! What is the tower portion made out of?

  2. That tower is brilliant and worthy of the great man, the medal is excellent, the other sign of a dictator is when they start designing the armies uniforms.

  3. and the next sign of a dictator is when they start terra forming :-D
    Nice Tower and landscape.

  4. Thanks for the comments! The tower is made up of a thick cardboard roll tube (the kind that paper towels are on, but a thicker heavier roll), The upper portion is a clear plastic flat lidded container that's been painted halfway and the reamining half was kept clear to give it "clear windows"...If y'all want I can take some pics of the materials used to make the tower and post them here for reference...
