Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Bongolesia...oh dear...

So it's Christmas in Bongolesia, and let's see how it goes....

First off, Santa checks his list....

"Ho Ho Ho!" he says..."Hmmm.....P'hat Daddee B'wonah.....hmmmm......let's see his naughty and nice list...."

"Hmmmm....mmmmmhmmmm....mmmm....errrr......uhhhh.....errrrggg....Oh dear....errr...."

"Hmmm..P'hat Daddee B'wonah...I'm gonna be here awhile..."

"Was he nice?....True he is a snappy dresser...."


"Was he naughty?...He DOES tend to fly off the handle quite a bit...."

Sooo....on Christmas Eve, P'hat (like all the other folks around the world), hung up his stocking with anticipated glee at what he would find there...and hopefully a Christmas goodie or two under the tree, (Salma Hayek or Alyssa Milano, would be good...)

Either / or....he's not that picky....

So he hung up his stocking, (with his name in gold lettering for easy viewing...)

Right next to the flag...

And the next morning, he raced down the stairs; just as fast as his size 14 feet could carry see the wonderful things that Santa left him....






And he found that Santa have given him....

Oh dear...Some of West Virginia's finest export...

Needless to say, P'hat isn't very happy right now....and this doesn't bode well for Bongolesia...

Meanwhile over at our house, my lady discovers a present to her from "You know who"...

" LEAST it's NOT ticking....."

The expression on her face is one of...????

Why whatever could it be???

And most of all, how did it get past the International Postal Inspectors???

So she opened it up and found....

P'hat Daddee had sent her a SNUGGIE!!!! With a nice skull and crossbones, errr....appropriate...I think...erg...

So we seem to end this Christmas and 2010 with a sad dissapointed P'hat Daddee B'wonah, who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas....(much to Salma's and Alyssa's relief), and my lady getting something that forces her to remember..."It's the thought that counts..."

Merry Christmas from The Bongolesia Blog!!!!

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