Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So the other day I go to the mailbox...
And it's full of stuff, stuff, bills, and more stuff.
I look at the important things, and then put the "stuff" in my "to be looked at later pile"...
So I'm checking out the pile, and lo and behold...a piece of mail from
addressed to "guess where"...

(blackened lines protect personal info)...

All righty then.... is an approved vendor for the US Post Office.

So, the Post Office is now sending mail to Bongolesia via me?...

Ummm..has anyone told these folks that "It isn't real?"

But wait...if Bongolesia is getting mail...

Then...that could possibly mean that they have identified it as a real nation...

And thus if the US Postal Service is sending mail to Bongolesia, (or at least addressed to Bongolesia), then...

That means that technically Bongolesia has been recognized (in some sort of way), by the US Government!!!! the next step is...

A: Do I inform them that it isn't real?


B: Do I contact the State Dept, and request to open diplomatic negotiations and possibly request a nice big international aid package???

Hmmm....decisions, decisions....


  1. By all means, contact the State Department. Maybe they'll send Hillary down for a visit.

    Wait; on second thought . . .


  2. I think you should first and foremost get some land in Africa so you HAVE a country to call Bongolesia - and declare yourself a sovereign nation. Then I'd ask for the aid.

  3. Hmmm well I thinkyou will need someone to oversee the distrubution of any aid to the people of Bongolesia. I volunteer for that5 service, no need to pay me either. I'll do it for "free"

  4. Murph,
    Watch out for the State Department. The next thing you know there'll be a ton of guys from the Cheerful Interference Association running around meeting with LOA and BARF.
    Count Natokina.
    AKA Jim.
