Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coming soon to a bookstore near you!!!!

Just in time for the New Year and for making ALL of your holiday travel plans!
A delightful book outlining all that the savvy traveller needs to know when visiting this exotic locale.
This book will cover all the questions that you, The Savvy Traveller will have when going to Bongolesia including;
An overview of Bongolesia, with a quick summary of history, the current presidential administration, culture, daily life, what to expect, who to believe and trust, etc...

All of this is covered in 23 wonderful chapters:

1: Travel, (What to do, what not to do, who to pay off, and what not to eat)...
2: Toilet Paper, (Bring yer own)...
3: Now that you're here...
4: Getting through customs, (with most of your luggage)...
5: Travelling around Sudekia...
6: The "Wonderful" Bongolesian People...
7: The "Not So Wonderful" Bongolesian People...
8: The "Really Not So Wonderful" Bongolesia People...
9: The "Scummy Low Life" Bongolesian People...
10: Bongolesian Culture
11: Bongolesian Cuisine
12: Bongolesian Nightlife, (aka "Booty-call")
13: Travelling outside of the Cities.
14: Animals that you may encounter in the wilds, (including a listing of at least half a dozen species that may try to eat you, both four legged AND two legged)...
15: Landmine identification guide.
16: What to do in case of trouble.
17: Guidelines and helpful tips if you get taken hostage.
18: Exploring the local villages.
19: What not to do to the Local Witch Doctor.
20: Helpful Phone #'s for assistance, reporting guerilla activity, or informing friendly officials of your predicament.
21: What to do when dealing with The Bongolesian Authorities.
22: much you need, when you need it, where to carry it...and make sure you can get some more...
23: Enjoying your stay in Bongolesia.

So get yours today! Copies will be selling fast!!!!

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