Sunday, December 9, 2007

Need to clean my gaming work room!


Okay dear cool posts today about what I am doing. Instead this is a post about "what I need to do..."

And that is clean and organize my game work room, so I can sit my butt back down and get these projects done!

I've got crap EVERYWHERE!

Looking in at all the crap from the door...

Another view of the crap...notice the 5 M2/M3 Bradleys (tan) on the foamcore

I call this disaster my painting/work table...

3 containers of paints and them some...gaaaaah!

My painting table...again...what a freaking mess...

Okay so now you've seen genius at work...

Thanks for reading and not screaming too loudly....

1 comment:

  1. You think that's a mess Murph. I'd show you a pic of my shed, but I'd be too embarrassed.

