Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Update and Pics!!!

Woo hoo! Finally gotten some pics taken of some of the stuff that I have been working on.
Please remember that these are "works in progress" and are NOT finished yet, but you can see what's going on, and where I'm going with this stuff...As always, let me know what you think...
First...let's go slumming down into the Shantytowns...

Shantytown Front: (The rent is cheap, and so are the accomodations...)

Well constructed Shanties...

(Giving the people and the rats a place to live...and multiply...)

Hmmm...Slums for Democracy???

Niiiiiiice paint jobs....the rust color looks so "au natural"...

Now be honest...Would YOU want to walk these streets???

mmmmmm...time for lunch I think....

The back of the "Snack Shack"...(complimentary rust flakes are free...)

Hmmm..looks like it's 'Garbage Day"...

Now what's a crisis in Africa without fleeing European Refugees???
(The More, The Merrier...)

Wounded Refugees will always get good network coverage by the media...

(But that's gotta hurt!!!)


  1. Good shanties. Lovely rust. How was it done?

  2. The Bongo government is nothing more than a pack of dogs! They proliferate the rape of it's citizens by lining their pockets with blood money and giving nothing to its people. They pack us in despicable shanties were we wallow in despair and poverty so oppressing that hope is extinguished from the eyes of our children..! I say we unite now and take down this revulting rabble and take back our....huh...someone is at the door..hold on...'hello'

    LOL anyway sweet shacks my man...well done. Anyone in there got some poppy seeds?

    Joe Knight

  3. Really... I got to ask... at the Hot Dog stand, what size do the Hot Dogs come in?

    1) Short Sleeve
    2) Long Sleeve

    Good thing Bongolesia does not have an FDA.
