Wednesday, June 20, 2007

FROM THE GM'S SIDE: AK47 Rep. Version 2???

Recently, word is out that AK47 Republic has been re-released as a "Version 2.0", with updates, errata fixed, issues taken care of, rules explained, etc...
That being said, I haven't seen a copy of it yet, but I think I shall order it this weekend.
That also being said, one only has to wander over to the Yahoo Group "RFCM", and still see a LOT of questions about possible "errors", having to do with transports, tanks, gun systems, etc.
Sure AK47 is simple, (That's the beauty of it). It's a nice engine, but I like mine with a little more "tweaks"...(Example: In AK47...a HMG will stop a tank...ummm..oooooooookay..., and a "tank" is a "tank"), which I also have probs with, (Example: Common sense tells me that a 35mm Gun mounted on a "light tank", will almost definately NOT knock out a M1a1...track hit and immobilazation, maybe...KO?...come on...); but AK47 has this...
I think that is why we as gamers like to tinker with the rules, and I like to use the Cantwell Modifications to AK47 Republic. It gives a bit more...
I shall be checking out AK47 Republic Version 2 this weekend when I order it from Brookhurst.


  1. AK47 is designed to replicate modern war in Africa. A tank "KO'd" by an HMG isn't KO'd in the destroyed sense of the word. It's just militarily out of action. Crew nerve gone, a mechanical failure etc? Similarly a tank is a tank is an "Africanisasion". If you want more detail and the fun of the game removed try the "Metalstorm" rules. The author had the same problems with acceptance of the AK47 rules and so bastardised them to fit in with his thoughts.

  2. I've thought about Metalstorm...but I DO like the AK47 rules...I just use the Cantwell mods...which keep the flavor and chaos, but give a little more detail...
