Saturday, May 12, 2007

A very OVERDUE update...

Sorry all; It's been two months since my last update on this site, as my life has gone into high speed with the summer months approaching. I'm not only gaming, but working full time, writing a new set of rules and involved in ACW Reenacting, so my schedule for making things has fallen waaaaaay behind.

Currently on my worktable of projects.

3 extra sets of buildings for 'Funkytown"
1 auto lot for "Idis Auto Sales"
1 victory location marker of a crashed satellite...(pics to be posted soon)...
4 stands of mostly painted looters
1 NH-60 and Mi-24 waiting priming and assembly.
4 3.2mm thick pieces of styrene to serve as airfield runway (on one side), and soccer field (on the other)
4 more UN supply trucks.
4 stands of "The Wild Ducks" mercenary group.

I found out on Friday that the deadline for submitting games for Gencon has already passed. Oh well, there is always next year.

I'm hoping to get some more wonderful fun stuff up soon...and some pics...

Also..for those that are interested, the listing for the BFL (Bongolesian Football League) will be posted soon.

More to come in the near future...


  1. If the Bongolsian International team needs opposition then I'm sure that a match with the Zaisian Cheetahs (often mispelt) can be arranged.

    (Honest, I've got play by email rules too!)

  2. This would be interesting. The Lonnieville Headhunters are definately interested in new opponents!

