Saturday, March 3, 2007

Rebel Victory in Bongolesia!!!!

Battle Report with Pics!!!
From "Euro News Network: "All the news with a European Flair..."
DATELINE: 3 MARCH 2007BONGOLESIA AFRICA: Anti-Govt. Radio announced today of a stunning victory over Govt. Troops in Bongolesia.Though reports are unconfirmed and no govt. statement has been released, Anti Govt. Forces of the Bongolesian African Revolutionary Front (BARF) have declared a major victory against combat forces of the National Defense Forces in the Northwestern Town of Jerryville.It's reported from refugees fleeing the fighting that several vehicles were seen burning, and at least one Government tank was on fire. Those fleeing the fighting also reported heavy weapons fire, including mortars being used by both sides.Jerryville is a small farming town in Northwestern Bongolesia with a small Govt. Administration Facility, and a recently opened "Arnolds Drive Inn", (part of the new Arnolds Fast Food Franchise that has opened in Bongolesia), along with a petrol station, and a market.Local Rebel forces have reported that despite their victory, casualties were higher than expected.....It is now being reported via Rebel Radio via FREE AFRICA RADIO TRANSMISSIONS, (FART), that a team of UN observers were ambushed and killed by Govt. Forces while moving outside of Jerryville.Details are sketchy, but if this is true, then it will be the first time that UN troops have actually been engaged by Govt. Forces, who are usually cordial with them.While official details are still sketchy, radio reports are indicating that Rebel Forces have seized the initiative against the National Govt. Forces."It is the beginning of the end for the dictator." said one of the announcements. "The time is soon coming when no longer can the ostrich put it's head in the sand and the dictator will face the music and the revolution will come to power! With the evident downfall of the dictator, we will liberate the land, ensuring that poverty will be equally distributed among the masses." A rebel spokesman has said that a tour of Jerryville will be available to Outside Media Sources "in a few days", as the area is still "dangerous".We have a team of Eurobabes and film jockeys ready to arrive and report on the current situation. Stay tuned for all further updates on this important event...Now...Back to Dr. Who, or your local regional programming...----------------------------------------------
Well...a nice little game of AK47 Republic at Games2D4 today...
The forces were pretty much loaded for bear...
Govt. Forces had Tanks, Armored Cars, Gun Jeeps, and trucks with troops...
Rebel Forces had troops...1 Tank, 1 BMP2, a ton of technicals...a schoolbus...some suicide bombers, and lot of other crap...which made life fun and hell for everyone.
Jerryville was a small town on the Northwestern side of Bongolesia. It came under attack from a strong Rebel force late this morning. Rebel objectives were to occupy the Govt. Building for three turns, (Ransacking), or destroy it, along with taking nuns and some of the farmers hostage...
Govt. Orders were to push the Rebels out of town, secure the Govt. Building and the Bongo Market for three turns to claim victory...
Rebel Forces advantages were mobility and numbers, while Govt. advantages were higher troop quality and heavier firepower.
The Rebel forces made it into the town first, with technicals and trucks pouring down the main street, while on the right flank, the freshly plowed fields were churned up beneath the tracks of the T-55 and BMP2.
Govt. Recon Forces advanced to the edge of town and began engaging rebel troops, destroying a Troop Truck in the process.
A United Nations observation team was caught in a crossfired between both sides and attempted to met it's end from a Rebel RPG, which then had Rebel Radio Propaganda claiming that "Despite their best efforts to save the UN personnel, they were ruthlessly killed by Govt. Troops."
Wow...someone HAS been paying attention to how things go in Africa...
The fighting commenced back and forth. The Govt. Forces bogged down in the center of town as their armor and recon held positions and traded shots...meanwhile...their infantry on the flank took too long to be deployed...
Even with this delay, their firing was effective as another troop truck took a hit and burst into flames, and rebel infantry were killed in a short but fierce firefight next to the Govt. building.
By the end of the fifth turn, it looked obvious that the Govt. Forces were going to be unable to achieve their goals, and withdrew, (conceding), giving victory to the Rebel Forces.
Pics are as follows...Please be advised that these pictures were taken by civilians under combat conditions so they may not be the "best quality", but they convey the fierce fighting and brutality of the combat in the region...
Comments are appreciated...let me know what you think...

Rebel Forces Entering Town...hmmm...perhaps we could stop for a quick lunch???

The entrance to town is crammed with with BARF...Barf on the road...Barf on the ground...Barf everywhere...

"NO WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR A CHEESEBURGER!!!! KEEP MOVING!!!" Rebel forces advance into town...

Govt. Forces with Recon Leading the Way, cheerfully practicing road column movement, head towards town....

Recon moves into town...right across from where the Nuns are holed up with their '57 Chevy Nomad Wagon, "Swanky"...

Rebel support weapons prepare to engage Govt. Troops, while the smell of cooked pork from the pigs shot by the T-55 lingers in the background...

AML90 of Recon burns from a direct Rebel hit! A Rebel Technical burns in the background in the street also, filling the area with smoke...

1st Platoon of the 1st Bongolesian Lt. Armored ("The Fighting Juju's), take losses as their tanks slug it out with rebel forces.

Another pic of Rebel Support Weapons putting the hurt on Govt. Troops.

Govt. Troops deploy in a line and move towards the Administration Building, supported by Mortars, (unseen in this picture..)

An aerial view of the fighting between Govt. and Rebel Troops.

A quick picture taken of Govt. Troops in Action, with Rebel dead ahead of them...
Despite their efforts (troops in the background), Rebel Forces (suicide bombers), storm the front of the admin building getting ready to blow it sky high!!!
At then end...the death and destruction in Jerryville. Here you can see 1 burning technical, 1 burning scout car, a dead PT-76, burning trucks and a LOT of mayhem as Rebel troops overun the farm and seize the farmer and his family, and their farmhand...The Rebel Leader, (in the bright yellow pimp suit) stands victoriously atop the Govt. Building while the national flag has fallen...

In the chaos...Rebel troops drive by the destroyed UN observer jeep, burning sadly with it's dead crew. Surely this isn't the last we've heard of this "Atrocity"....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. BARF victory is another example of the rigtheous path they follow. I can see that Bongolesia will be in good hands after the rebels take control. How many people would actually try and protect the UN at the cost of thier own men? Only BARF would that task.
    Long Live B.A.R.F.

    Great game and loved playing the rebels. Looking forward to more battle reports and news from Bongolesia

  3. I am glad to see that my fellow BARF brethren are one step closer to ridding our glorious country of that scum President!

    Hope things are going well where you are Murph. Just stopped in to say hi.

    (This is Jon btw)
