Monday, January 1, 2007

New Years Day work...and some ACW stuff on the side...

So I spent today doing some painting and working on the vehicles mostly, (and my French UN Troops)... This is what I have learned.
1: It's good to have a nice sized worktable...but it's never "enough"... There's always "more stuff" on it than I need to be working on, but that's the blessing and curse of a gamer...too many projects.
2: I need some more light...a close up lamp and some vise grips also...
Well it seems that I got some decent base coating done to most of the vechicles. The T-34's took three (3)! Base coats. I've decided that I just do NOT like Armory White Primer. It takes more paint to cover up the "whiteness" of it.

Here you can see the BARF Technicals, and 2 of the 3 jeeps along with the Panhard 90, the Dodge 1 1/4 tons, the Halftrack and the Tanks. The Third Jeep is turning into a UN vehicle.

My French UN troops in their pretty blue Helmets. Ready to carry out indecisive, ineffective, inefficient international peacekeeping operations.

Okay and just on the is a photo of my almost 400 15mm ACW figs that need to be rebased...from Balsa and Basswood to Litko-Aero bases. But that's a project for another time...

As usual, let me know what you think...


  1. yeah, yeah, yeah we know you can paint Murph but can you send an address to an old buddy ohh noo...
    ~grins~ also I have my reciept for the Observer yet the dang kid doesn't deliver it anymore.
