Friday, December 29, 2006

My TMP Link and some other Bongolesian Fun Stuff...

So I posted this site to TMP, and I think I am getting some hits. I've gotten good comments from the gang there so far and it is helping me get motivated on it.
I think though, (and this is merely an observation), that the saddest part of this is that when you read about what is STILL going on in Africa today, the dark humor of it, (no pun intended), comes through.
It's been 30-40 years since the European Colonial powers pulled out pretty much and the majority of that continent has plunged into a repetitive cycle of warfare, ethinic and tribal clashes, petty power politics, and just succeeding cycles of dictators.
Kind of sad really...
Okay enough real world stuff...

As I am building this nation, I have discovered that I have yet to show you our beloved flag...that banner which flaps in the stagnant breezes of our beloved homeland. The banner which we all bear near and dear to our hearts...
So here it is...the Bongolesian Flag...

(And on the table...waving proudly...)

Now honestly....I was happy with this little was nice...and had that "African Feel" to it...

So imagine my surprise when at Atomicon in October of 2005...I was presented with this...

Yes...sometimes I think these games get a little "too real"...

Btw...that is Lisa Coffey, (Jason's Wife), who is helping me hold the flag. She is the mad creator behind that little treasure we have in our hands. I've never been able to thank her enough for it. So THANKS again Lisa!

One of the things I also wanted to do was some political posters showing the Bonglesian People "just how good you got it"...and since once in a while they actually have elections in this "one party democracy", I decided to try my hand at some simple B'wonah posters.

The process is simple really. Take a picture, slap it onto a color square ala Photoshop and add text...and voila! Instant Propaganda!!!!

So here it is...Enjoy and let me know what you think...


  1. Good, and patriotic, idea to have a model flag for use on the table! Try adding some purple around the edge of the flag by running the edges against the centre of a brush's bristles. (i.e. don't try to paint it as such). This will remove the white edge which tends to show up.

    The "real" flag is excellent.

  2. Yeah...I think I am going to go ahead and do that. It's amazing though what a camera flash will show up that isn't visible to the eye...'s hanging on my wall. It's a simple design, but it took her longer than usual because it was hard for her to make it "third world tacky", and not want to correct the problems with it.

