Saturday, February 12, 2011

Projects on the table, (done and being done)....

Well here it is....another fun-filled update with what is going about on my project table right now for Bongolesia.
First off, to let folks know, I am still working to set up stuff for the Origins game, and am working on the last batch of vehicles, (Non-USMC) for the game. Here they are below.

UN V-150, NDF BRDM-2, 2 Landrovers, 2 Technicals, and 2 Gaz Jeeps...all ready for final painting, sealing and adding to the collection.

2 BTR-152's and the BRDM-2, ready for sealing....I'm happy with the camo jobs on the BTR's. It had been a while since I had done a camo job.

One of the weaker factions in my AK47 games has always been the UN forces. In the past they've simply been armed with trucks, infantry, and a couple of M-113's with HMG's, (well there is "The Blue Swallow", a French Air Force Pilot of a Mirage-2000 that is their "on call" air support)...
Realizing that the UN needed a little more "bite", I started working on these...

2 AMX-13's and a V-150, and a couple of extra trucks...This should make rebels and thugs think twice about trying to stop food shipments to refugees...

And finally...FINALLY....

The best thing about a snow day weekend is the fact that is gets you to painting. This weekend wasn't a snow day weekend, but I still have the motivation to put paint on stuff and finish projects (!)
Who would've thought that was possible?

One of my projects was my "Coastal Trawler"....I am glad, and proud to say that she is finally "Done"...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, "Le Petite Marie"....

This little baby moves along the coast of Bongolesia, for hire to anyone that can pay the price, no questions asked...

Yes, the Le Petite Marie....ready to haul cargo, passengers, or just go on "A three hooooouuuurrrr touuuuurrrrrr..."
I'm hoping to get more stuff painted by the end of the weekend, including plans to finish the Presidential Palace....
And then of course, pics will be forthcoming...
Comments are appreciated....


  1. Great stuff, love the trawler, very cool. What are the UN trucks?

  2. Nice set of vehicles and the boat...what will be smuggled on it? :-D

  3. nice, of course it should be la, not le!!
