Workbench update...
So I am going to take a little sidetrack off of the current issues and storylines going on in our beloved third world African hell-hole and update y'all on some of the projects that I have going on right now.
In a recent question that I had asked on my Facebook page as to "What would you like to see on the Bongolesia blog?", some folks actually came out and said "miniatures of course!"...
Well of course...and then I realized that it has been a while since I have posted any new shots of what I am working on.
So dear reader, without much further ado, and eloquence, here's a "behind the scenese look" at what I've been painting and building...
First off...civilians...
I don't have very many stands of civilians, so that was one of my priorities, to get more of them painted. I needed mobs/looters/local refugees, etc...all sorts of non-combatants to make scenarios more interesting.
So here's a few stands in the "almost finished" stages. Most of them will have three figures on them, while the one stand figures is a "character/personality" figure. In this case, the fellow on the left in the white shoes, is going to be "somebody"...not sure who yet, but I've got some ideas...
(Civilians to add frolic and mayhem and all sorts of chaos to games...along with some looters cheerfully helping themselves to the local consumer electronics...)
Next up after this is a little firepower....for the "Boys In Green"...
NDF troops have recently stared undergoing a transition of sorts. Better training, weapons that work, and more weapons, as well as "loyalty" classes and "political education" to help "round them out to be better soldiers"...One of the more recent purchases was this little baby....
It's a BRDM2 with the AT-5 ATGM system mounted on it, and a great new national camo paint job. Five shots of anti-tank killing goodness, good gas mileage, easy to drive...this little baby will add some "umph" to the NDF's arsenal...
(Tank killing goodness...)
But now see, the ground forces cannot have ALL of the fun...
Here we have the latest addition to the Bongolesian Naval Forces. This is the Bongolesian Coastal Patrol Vessel "Moesha"... Purchased from the former Soviet Union and refitted and uparmed, this little diamond of the waters features a 4 inch deck gun for that long range high powered expression of naval power, as well as 3 .50 caliber machine guns. The Moesha is part of the recent upgrade to Bongolesian coastal forces and is part of the "Sistahs" class naval patrol vessels. Three other vessels are planned to be added. These will be the Patrol Boats "Lakeesha and Tawana" and the Support Vessel "Sha-nay-nay"....
(IN THE NA-VY!!!!....The "Moesha" ready for action!) |
Now in Bongolesia there are usually deals to be made and broken...contracts to be signed and people looking for an "angle"...This includes many of the foreign "investors". Here we have an arms dealer...(He hasn't been officially named yet, but that is coming), along with some of his flunkies holding boxes and crates of "farm tools and plumbing supplies"... All I need to do is add the groundwork, seal, and they are done...
(He's ready to do business with only please...) |
Next up is some of the many projects I've in various stages of....
Up first is my UN stuff....intrepid readers will remember the recent assumption of command of General KinderSchlager of the UN Forces. He's requested additional equipment and it's on it's way...3 more M113's and some trucks and troops...perhaps some mortars also...(The Recoilless is for something else....)
(Soon to be keeping the peace in Bongolesia...additional UN equipment...) |
Ever have "one of those things that you paint on and paint on and never seem to finish"?
I had two of those...
The first was my Bongolesian Police Station...which I did finish last year...
And the second is this.....
It's a WWII Normandy scenic from Peter Pig...I'm just not sure how I want to finish's one of those "things" that I fiddle around with when I have no clue what to do's in a perpetual state of "being worked on...Any ideas?
And whats a battle area without ruins?
It too, is a work in progress...i'd like to be able to use this one ruins set though for multi-genre....(I'm thinking ACW as well as modern Africa, so I have to be "generic" on it...)
Naturally we have to have walls...this is one of the many resin wall sets that I have. Mostly finished....just need to be sealed and it should be good to go...I'm kind of happy with the final finish on it....
A series of wheeled vehicles, (from L to R), PP Wombats, Soviet GAZ jeeps and BF Russian Jeeps/Cars... The Wombats will be part of "something"...(not sure what yet...perhaps a scientific expedition), the GAZ jeeps will probably be Presidential Guard, and the BF Jeeps will be equipped with HMG's and become part of either the NDF Recon Elements, or set up as part of the National Police Force...
A couple of years ago, I ran a scenario called "Big Bird Down"...which was essentially having to do with a crashed reconnaissance satellite and the objective was to recove it's data cores...I needed a satellite crash site, so I had to build one...and here it is....You can see the halfway hidden satellite and the big black impact hole it made...but WHAT is that mysterious "green stuff" that is leaking...oozing(?), from it????
Oh dear...
And now dear appeal.....
Over the last couple of years, I have been working on the Bongolesian Presidential Palace...(aka "The Pink Palace"),
During this course of time, I started building one, and didn't like the way it looked....
Here's the old one....
The old "Pink Palace" has towers and a removable second floor...But I was unhappy with the size and the window layout...
So I decided I wanted something that looked a little more "regal"...
So I built the "NEW Pink Palace"....
I added columns for the building, centered the windows and added a nice round balcony...I've got doors to add, and a new roof section...
But I am still not sure if I am happy with it...I'd like to fine four small plastic lions to put on top of each column, (gold of course)...of if not that, perhaps, one larger lion on the top front center of the building...
However, I am just "not sure" if I like the newer one...I like certain aspects of the old one AND certain aspects of the new dear reader, please take a look at each and tell me which one do you think would be a good residence for a "President-For-Life" ?....
And above all of the Bongolesian madness, the ever lovely Linda Blair watches....